Font/ Masthead Analysis:
The Font and Masthead will always be clear and easy to read. This font is not only used in the magazine front page but in all of the titles/ subtitles and headings which will grab the readers attention. The choice of font is very important as it must be aesthetically attractive but also clear and simple to read generally against a background or photograph. The colour of the font will contrast the background that it is typed above and will sometimes have a small arrow/box around it especially if it includes important information that the reader needs. The Masthead will usually make up the Title of the magazine or the Company Logo that produced the magazine but this will also be part of the house style and colour theme and will generally change colour to fit the house style of the issue. The sizes of the fonts will change to show the most important information or the main reason for the issue to be published e.g. a major event or moment that happened with the band that is the Anchor image of the Magazine issue.
All images are from the same magazine:
Same Pink font used on the masthead and small subtitles throughout.
The same font type is used throughout for every titles/ subtitle and headings.
All fonts are clear and easy to read and all come under the black, pink or yellow house style.
All images are from the same magazine:
The same font, font colour and style of writing is used on the slogan.
The text remains in the white colour house theme but is a different font that is clearer to read and is more eye-catching.
Masthead stays within the white house style and is pasted behind the medium close up image of the main artist.
All images are from the same magazine:
The same font is used within all of the titles, subtitles, headings and body of text but the colour changes throughout generally showing the larger fonts which are the most interesting stories.
The company logo which is shown in the masthead has changed colour to white which is part of the house style colours, white, black, red and yellow.