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House Style:


The house style of a magazine article will consist of the same font being used without the magazine so it looks similar and looks continuous and smooth. The colour will change depending on what it is being used for alongside with the size, for example titles, headings and subtitles are all larger than the body of the text but they will generally be in capital letters in bold and be in brighter colours. The house style makes the magazine look professional and keeps a sense of uniformity an consistency throughout. 



























The Contents Page shows the font and style that will be continued  throughout the  magazine issue.  The black text, with red cap drop  with yellow and white background is continued as the house style .

This font  is what is used for all main bodies of text, small but clear and easy to read without any  elaborate designs or changes of colour.

Small Subtitles are shown using this text alongside with pull quotes and Captions,  Using the bold text and the black with a white background and yellow text with a black background. 

Pull Quotes are shown with this text and colour scheme. Black and Pink text overlapping a clear image. 

Anchor Image shown in the centre of the page with an incorporated pull quote. The background is a bright yellow with small star details that is a gradient from lighter at the bottom to thicker and brighter at the top. 

The Anchor image band is shown on the contents in a medium shot, same clothing  but in different poses. Also the lighting is darker or the saturation has been lowered.

'All Your Favourite  Bands:' directly communicating with the reader,  large capital bold text for the title which draws the readers attention to the top of the page. The page numbers are bolder than the rest of the text  clearly differentiating  them from the rest of the text. The titles of each page are in red  capital letters so the reader can see what the page is about in a summary. 

Page Layout:  The front page is brightly coloured with yellow and pink font. This yellow background is again continued throughout the rest of the magazine as the yellow is used as a background for captions.  The body of text is small and clear to read with no elaborate design  feature, the titles and subtitles are bold capital letters that are  easy to read and draw attention to those sections of the pages. 

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