Magazine Analysis Rocksound 1
Rock Sound #167
Rock-sound produces the magazine
£3.99 for the issue
Monthly magazines
Focused on Pop-Rock, Punk-Rock and Rock
The Cover:
Focuses on the band of the front cover which is the focus of the issue and highlights either a major event in the bands history or time for example ‘Don’t Panic ... They’re Back!’. The Title also shows the name and logo of the publishing company which produces the magazine.
Bright Pink Title logo of the company that produces the magazine, the title will change colour to fit the colour theme of the magazine, it is high on the page and is clearly legible but isn't the focus of the cover.
‘Don’t Panic They’re Back’ the reason of the front cover and the main focus of the cover they magazine headline
The Main image is directly mainly towards the reader all four band members are facing the camera with expressions of excitement or singing, Alex wearing hoodies and themed clothing around gothic genre.
Other bands that people who listen to that genre of music may also enjoy which would encourage people to purchase the magazine even if they aren't interested in the main title but in the other bands that are mentioned.
Focused content on the genre of music presented/ focused on by the company that produces the magazine e.g All Time Low, Asking Alexandria
The text/ connotations are brightly coloured with clear Caps text that is easy to read with a white background/ arrow behind them.
Short captions/ snappy captions that catch the readers attention quickly, the biggest most important events have the largest text which are the focus of the font cover, it has captions that involve with the reader ‘Billy Talent vs You’.
It maintains a theme with other magazines as it has a main picture in the centre and is surrounded by additional photographs of relating stories and images.
The picture of the band All Time Low is the main focus and fills the majority of the front cover.
The Magazine Rocksound #167 is primarily focused on the band All Time Low as they are the Anchor of the overall article with their return back into the Punk Rock Music scene. The Layout of the front page of the Magazine uses a wide variety of bright and eye catching Graphics in the form of fonts, colours, pictures and texts alongside with a Masthead displaying Brand Identity of the company Rocksound in the form of their logo, as they are the company who produced the magazine. Furthermore all fonts, slogans, pictures and background images have been coloured to fit a certain Colour Theme, for example in this issue Yellow, Pink and Blue are used alongside this the logo of Rocksound has changed colours over multiple issues to match the colour theme. The Anchor Image of the band All Time Low is used as the main feature/ attraction of the issue with the Strap-Line 'All Time Low, Don't Panic ... They're Back!' This is aimed at fans of the band who have been awaiting their return, additionally this image is surrounded by pictures/ slogans of other bands that are related to the focus of the article including Asking Alexandria, Billy Talent, Pierce the Viel ect. who are popular in similar styles/ genres of music. Short snappy annotations are used to catch the readers attention which are brightly coloured with images of the associated article 'Asking Alexandria Exclusive Poster Special'. In continuation from that the posters in this issue are Exclusive to this edition which will encourage reader to purchase this issue for the posters.
Contents Page and Double Page Spread:​
A Link to the band/ anchor image on the front page that the issue is based upon, generally a large photo in the centre of a two page contents.
A consistent theme of colour, font, font size and style of writing from the slogans and capture text on the front page within the contents.
Generally will have between 40-60 pages in a weekly issue.
Will have captions will tie directly to the reader and will have prizes, giveaways and free exclusive products that the reader only gets when they purchase this particular magazine.
Have articles based on the anchor band/ image and then any related bands that are popular with the genre of music that the magazine article is based off of, this will usually be articles relating to the short captions on the front page which the reader can then read about inside the magazine.
Will have a background that fits a similar design not only with text but with the colour of front page also (if the front page and contents pages were picked up separately they would have a similar design so they could be paired together.)
The double page spread will have an image that spreads between both pages that is eye catching and will portray either the band or a concert that the article is based upon, For example 'Don't Worry They're Back ... ' is based upon the band All Time low and the double page spread focuses on them with a large picture of the band in the centre.
The writing style is easy to read and understand but also interesting with the use of sophisticated language but is still easy to understand.
Small images and captions are dotted around the page so the reader has a very basic understanding of what the article is about before they start to read it.
Has a Title and subtitle which is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the article which is slightly larger and clearer text which is generally bolded and underlined.
The text is wrapped around the centre image tightly so as much of the page is filled as possible.
Has the style of the pages numbers in the bottom corner that generally are in black or white text which is underlined or has a small box or circle around it, sometimes it has a small design or feature around the number.
The background of the double page spread is never plain it usually has the logo of the band or a similar background to the front page and contents page but never has full opacity and is similar to a watermark.

Medium-Close up shot of Band All Time Low which is the Anchor Image for the edition.
The Strap-Line of the Magazine Article which links to the purpose of the Issue, Anchor Image and Main Story.
'Exclusive Poster Special' which is content specific to this issue and magazine company which entices customers into purchasing the product
Portrays additional content for example an 'Exclusive' CD and also portrays the colour theme of blue, pink and yellow.
The Masthead/ Banner of the Magazine which shows the Company Name/ Logo in the Colour Theme of the Issue.

'Billy Talent Verses You!' a slogan that connects/ talks to the reader personally